Friday, January 28, 2011

Not a very good host.

So my husband likes to refer to our little unborn bundle of joy as a "parasite". I really hate it when he does but it really is true. By definition, a baby is just that:

1. an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.
2. a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others.

So as crude a word may it be, it is entirely true. My precious little "parasite" is sucking all that I offer him-plus some-right out of me.

Unfortuneatly for my little guy, I am a TERRIBLE host. I would think most people would report that they "eat more healthy" during pregnancy..."go to bed earlier" in behalf of their unborn child...."drink gobs and gobs of water" to help the precious thing grow.

Not me. Call me selfish. Maybe it's because this is #4 baby. I don't know. But I manage to stuff my face of all things unhealthy. If I want it, I get it. And I seem to be a bottomless pit for burgers, fries, and my worst offense, Diet Dr Pepper. Don't judge. Oh, and I never get to bed before 11PM. ::sigh::

Here is my spread from a couple days ago:

I say "Oh Well" most days. My hips are growing at the same pace my belly is. I am one giant square. Other days I feel really terrible about my eating habits in behalf of my little bean, so I try to make up for with all things healthy. That lasts about a day until I cave and have some more fries.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Let it be written...

So I have to blog has had some serious neglect lately! I have no excuse except for my own laziness. Everything has gone by the way-side the past few months. I am going to go ahead and just blame everything on pregnancy. My gym membership has been neglected, my house has been neglected, even my children have been neglected in those first few months while I was in utter misery from the nausea induced by my un-born little man. So, I am going to try try try to keep things in my life a-rolling....i.e my blog and my mounds of laundry. The reason is that if I don't, I am going to be swallowed up by my S.A.D. during this long dreary Utah winter.

Soooo, now that is has been written, it is known, therefore it must be done!!! Here's to brighter, better, more fullfilled days!!!