It was a very sad moment when I heard the news. He is such an awesome, inspiring, giving person. However, I know that he is Home now, with so many loved ones around him. You will be missed.
So I have to admit that I spend FAR too much time browsing other people's blogs. Yes, that includes perfect strangers. I just love to sneak a peak into their world. I also love all of the great advice I get i.e. great reads, great websites, ect. Plus, I get to live my life a little vicariously (Dopps in Hawaii!!!). So perhaps I have too much time on my hands....but none-the-less, I am going to continue--and enjoy--my little shameless addiction!
On that note, while I was "browsing" Kamie's website, I saw that I had been tagged, so here goes.:
A - Attached or Single: Attached B - Best Friends: My Mom and my sisters C - Cake or Pie: Pie D - Day of choice: Friday E - Essential Item: My cell phone-sad but true F - Favorite Color: Black (but just to wear) G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Gummy Bears H - Hometown: Brigham City, Utah I - Indulgence(s): Diet, Caffeine free (I know, what's the point?!?) Dr. Pepper, eating out with my family, sleeping late (I do so love my sleep!!) J - January or July: July K - Kids: 2 boys & a girl on the way L - Life is incomplete without: My family, The Gospel M - Marriage Date: January 22, 2000 N - Number of Siblings: 2 older sisters, 1 older brother, 1 younger brother O - Oranges or Apples: Apples P - Phobias or Fears: Spiders, stranded in a deep ocean, getting old Q - Quotes: Remember the day's blessings, Forget the day's troubles R - Reason to smile: Because my un-born baby girl is kicking right now S - Season: Fall T - Tag Three Friends: Brindy, Jana, Rich (are you reading?) U - Unknown fact about me: I have hitch-hikers thumbs V - Very favorite store: Walmart-c'mon, where else can you buy grocries, diapers, clothes & sheets ALL AT THE SAME TIME? W - Worst habit: Speaking with out thinking first X - X-ray or Ultrasound: Ultrasound Y - Your favorite food: Pre-pregnancy: Cafe Rio/ Current: Tomatoe Soup (Gross huh? But I have to have it every day!!!) Z - Zodiac: Libra
So Carter is doing the potty training thing right now. So far, so good. Well, some days that is. So, knowing me--I just HAD to photo document it!!! So I took a picture of him on the pot, but he wanted "another one!" and "another one!" Just so he could see himself in the camera afterwards. So here is Carter's big potty portfolio debut..................:
So my brother introduced this to me. It is I LOVE it! You just type in your favorite artist (right now I am on a Colbie Caillat kick) and it will instantly compile a songlist that continuously plays in that music category. If it starts to play a song you don't really like, then you give it "thumbs down" and if you do like it, give it a "thumbs up". I listen to it every time I sit at the computer. I have found a lot of great songs that I love that I didn't even know existed. You can also make different "stations" to listen to....I have a Dave Mathews and a jason Myles Goss station depending on my mood that day. Check it out!
So we had a really busy month for the Watts Family! Richie turned 6 and we had a party for him. My little brother, Dallon, graduated from USU (YEA! for Dallon!) Dayna and Gregg blessed Kendyl. And of course there was Christmas! We also had Rich's parents staying with us for a couple weeks. It was a really great, fun month!! So after all was said and done, here are some highlights:
Dallon and Megan:
My siblings: Derrek, Dayna, Dallon (fill-in-the-missing-person, Lauri) and Tami
T'was the night before Christmas.....(A.K.A. The calm before the storm!)
Tami and Dayna at my parents house:
Rich's Mom--Nana--asleep with her baby, Magwa.
Rich's Dad--Poppie--helping Carter put together a toy car we got from his sister, Aunt Jeannie.
Here we are sledding at the hill in The Terrace. We had such a great time! Richie was a trooper and kept foing down even though he did wipe out a few times! I took Carter down a few times but since he wasn't loving it so much, and I was afraid I was going to bif it, we didn't go down too many times.
Nana, Richie, Carter & Poppie--see Nana's new dew?? She and I went to my hairdresser and she got "Tami-fied!!"
My oldest just turned 6 on December 6th. I really get a kick out of watching the world thru Richie's eyes. I love the way everything is a learning experience for him. I love the way he takes in the world around like a sponge. He is such a smart little guy, and is always impressing me.
Richie loves anything star wars and anything Lego right now. So he had a "Lego Star Wars" birthday party with all of his friends. That was on a Friday. But for his actuall birthday, which was the day before, we let him choose where he wanted to go for his birthday. He choose his favorite--Hungry Bear pizza. That is where he opened his gifts from us and Nana and Poppie
At Hungry Bear Pizza:
Richie and Mom playing a little air hockey at Hungry Bear. After we went to Hungry Bear, Richie noticed that the "HOT" sign was on for Krispy Kreme donuts, so we all went in for a free donut. We told the gal working there that he did not need the free donut because it was his birthday so we were going to buy him a chocolate sprinkle donut. The next thing we know, the worker brought him a whole box of chocolate sprinkled donuts and 2 jugs of milk--all for free!!! We were blown away at how nice that was, and Riche ate his little heart out. (I think 2 was all he could handle after all that pizza, but Carter helped him out!!)