Saturday, September 8, 2007

Peach Days!!!

Pretty as a princess!! Madison & Taylor

What's in there???

Sisters: Lauri, Dayna, & Tami

Say Cheese, baby Rachel!

We actually managed to get all of the Williams grandkids together at one time!

Megan and Dallon

At the carnival...

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day BBQ

We went to my parents house for Labor Day and had a BBQ. The kids swam and played on the slip and slide, and me, Rich, Gregg, Dayna and Katelin went to see Nanny Diaries. Then we all met back up for dinner at the padres.

Dallon, Carter, Kylee and Dayna



Carter loves playing with his baby cousin, Rachel

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Labor Day Camp Out

We went camping up near causi dam over Labor Day weekend with my sister, Dayna, and her family. We had a great time! The kids loved playing in the river and the adults even got to sit back and play some cards!

There was this huge moose that roamed the campground. It came right up to a campsite and took a nap a few feet away from someone's tent.

Kylee, Richie, Katelin and Carter roasting hotdogs.

Now that looks appetizing!