Wednesday, January 30, 2008


So I have to admit that I spend FAR too much time browsing other people's blogs. Yes, that includes perfect strangers. I just love to sneak a peak into their world. I also love all of the great advice I get i.e. great reads, great websites, ect. Plus, I get to live my life a little vicariously (Dopps in Hawaii!!!). So perhaps I have too much time on my hands....but none-the-less, I am going to continue--and enjoy--my little shameless addiction!

On that note, while I was "browsing" Kamie's website, I saw that I had been tagged, so here goes.:

A - Attached or Single: Attached
B - Best Friends: My Mom and my sisters
C - Cake or Pie: Pie
D - Day of choice: Friday
E - Essential Item: My cell phone-sad but true
F - Favorite Color: Black (but just to wear)
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Gummy Bears
H - Hometown: Brigham City, Utah
I - Indulgence(s): Diet, Caffeine free (I know, what's the point?!?) Dr. Pepper, eating out with my family, sleeping late (I do so love my sleep!!)
J - January or July: July
K - Kids: 2 boys & a girl on the way
L - Life is incomplete without: My family, The Gospel
M - Marriage Date: January 22, 2000
N - Number of Siblings: 2 older sisters, 1 older brother, 1 younger brother
O - Oranges or Apples: Apples
P - Phobias or Fears: Spiders, stranded in a deep ocean, getting old
Q - Quotes: Remember the day's blessings, Forget the day's troubles
R - Reason to smile: Because my un-born baby girl is kicking right now
S - Season: Fall
T - Tag Three Friends: Brindy, Jana, Rich (are you reading?)
U - Unknown fact about me: I have hitch-hikers thumbs
V - Very favorite store: Walmart-c'mon, where else can you buy grocries, diapers, clothes & sheets ALL AT THE SAME TIME?
W - Worst habit: Speaking with out thinking first
X - X-ray or Ultrasound: Ultrasound
Y - Your favorite food: Pre-pregnancy: Cafe Rio/ Current: Tomatoe Soup (Gross huh? But I have to have it every day!!!)
Z - Zodiac: Libra

1 comment:

"All you need is love" said...

I don't know how to be tagged? Do I write all the questions on my blog, and then fill them in?
I must be slow...