Thursday, February 7, 2008

Carter and my Dumbness

So I am down here in my little retreat...sitting on the computer for the few minutes I have before I go chauffering again--gotta get Richie to and from karate 4x a week. Sooooo I am down here "blah-gen". (That's my new phrase for the time I waste viewing complete strangers blogs.) So I am reading about I don't know, will never know, but act like I know because I have "met" their whole family plus some via blog pictures, plus read up on all their stories i.e. who is having babies and who is now potty trained. Sooooo I am reading away when I here this big "THUMP-THUMP-THUMP". I jump up and run to see what my sweet Carter has done now, fearing that he just fallen down the stairs. Only to find a gallon of ice cream at the bottom of the stairs and Carter on his way down the stairs singing the ABC's song, just as sweetly as can be!
He is always into something, or doing something he is not supposed to do. At least he will be 3 in a month then there will be no more terrible 2's. Right? Right?!? ::sighs::

On another note, while I have been reading all about my phantom friends' lives, I have also discovered that I am really, really dumb when it comes to this whole blogging thing. There are some super-fancy-shmancy blogs out there! And I sure don't have a clue how to do that. I tryed to read up on how to do it once, and got bored reading and gave up. So if someone I know-or one of my perfect stranger friends just happens to be reading this right now, and wants to give me a lesson on Blogging for dumbies, that would sure be swell!

1 comment:

Mechelle said...

Oh Tami, I think your blog is darling. You are so funny. I love how you speakwrite.