Sunday, May 3, 2009

I had a June Cleaver day

I had all the kids beautified for church and we were only 20 minutes late!!! (For us, that is a new record for 9:00 church, and we are nearly half way through the year ::sigh::) After church I came home, and with Rich's help, made a yum-o lunch and delightful dinner for the crock pot with pork chops, carrots and potaotes. Afterwards, I made a cake-FROM SCRATCH! ::gasp:: It was called Hummingbird Cake and it was from a BH&G magazine. It's a 3 layer cake made with bananas and pineapple, with cream cheese frosting and candied nuts on top. it was oh-so-good. I do bake, but it is usually the run of the mill cookie type baking. I do realize how big of a dork I am for posting this. Ü
(we didn't eat ALL of this tonight, we gave some to my sweet neighbor, Jerry.)

1 comment:

Jennie said...

No... you are not a dork for posting this. When you have a glorious day mommy day, you just have to share. We all know how the real world functions. It is not exactly like Leave it to Beaver. Things rarely goes as planned. So I celebrate with you! Well done Lady! And, by the way, the cake looks heavenly. I'm sure it tasted as good as it looks.